
Protecting Your Heart and Soul

The staff is the heart and soul of any restaurant. Whether it’s the chefs and line cooks who turn out amazing food, the wait staff who keep the customers happy, or the office crew who keep everything running smoothly, your people are incredibly important to you. No restaurant owner wants to see anyone get hurt… Continue reading Protecting Your Heart and Soul


Fire+Food= Delicious

Ever since cavemen first slapped a juicy wooly mammoth leg on a grill, fire has been an essential part of human life. Most foods just taste better cooked. We like to imagine that we have complete control over fire, but the fact remains that it can be a dangerous force in your restaurant kitchen. Is… Continue reading Fire+Food= Delicious


Plan for the worst, Hope for the Best.

It’s happened. Maybe it was an earthquake, toppling and breaking everything you own. Or maybe it was a fire or a tornado or any one of the other disasters that can incapacitate your business. Whatever the cause, it’s time to start rebuilding. Where do you start? Communicate. Get in touch with your employees. Are they… Continue reading Plan for the worst, Hope for the Best.


Shaken or Stirred?

Martini. Mojito. Cosmo. What’s your restaurant’s signature drink? Alcohol is a major source of revenue (and fun!) for many restaurants, but it also raises serious liability issues. What happens if a customer overindulges, gets into his car and has a serious accident? Not only can impaired driving accidents lead to property damage, injuries or even… Continue reading Shaken or Stirred?


Be a Boy Scout

If you were ever a Boy Scout as a kid, you know how important it is to be prepared. Prepared for what? For anything that life throws at you. It’s true when you’re camping in the woods, and even more true when you’re running a business. We really hope that your business is never affected… Continue reading Be a Boy Scout

Car Insurance

Hit by an Uninsured Driver. Now What?

You try to do everything by the book, but not everyone does. You do your best to protect yourself and your vehicle with auto insurance, but uninsured drivers are out there every day. A 2011 study by the Insurance Research Council estimates that 1 in 7 drivers are uninsured. So chances are pretty good that… Continue reading Hit by an Uninsured Driver. Now What?

Car Insurance · Customer Relations · Family

Human Happens

You probably come to a full halt at stop signs, always use your turn signals and never speed through a yellow light. But even the best drivers all have one thing in common: we’re all human, and humans make mistakes. Maybe you forgot to look both ways before making that right turn on red, or… Continue reading Human Happens

Family · Life Insurance

Living Forever?

How long do you plan to live?  The Centers for Disease Control put the average American life expectancy at nearly 78 years. That means Americans are spending more time in their “golden years” than ever before. Is your retirement planning enough to keep you living the life you want? Surprisingly, one strategy that savvy savers… Continue reading Living Forever?

Family · Life Insurance

Protecting Your Business Family

When you’re a small business owner, you spend a lot of time with your employees. They work hard to help you achieve your dreams, keep your customers happy and earn a living. In many cases, they become like a second family.   So how are you protecting your employee family? Many business owners offer health insurance,… Continue reading Protecting Your Business Family

Customer Relations · Family

Teens and Texting

Admit it: putting your 16 year-old kid behind the wheel of a car is one of the most nerve-wracking things you can do as a parent. After all, you remember the first time he rode a tricycle—how can you let him steer a two-ton machine? Most kids do their best to stay safe when they’re… Continue reading Teens and Texting