Family · Pets

The Best Pets for Apartments

If you long for an animal companion but live in an apartment, don’t despair: you don’t need to own a home with a huge yard to give a pet a good home. All you have to do is select an animal that can live in a small area and won’t damage either your apartment or your relationship with your neighbors. And of course, make sure your lease agreement specifically allows for the type of pet you choose. Consider these apartment-friendly friends:

1. Cats


Around 85 millions cats live in American households, according to the College of veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, and it’s easy to see why. They’re very low maintenance, yet most love to play, cuddle, and interact with their owners. Before deciding to get a kitten, however, note that older cats are far more likely to be house-trained and calm, whereas kittens can require a lot of attention and training. And instead of looking for a breeder, why not visit your local animal shelter to see if you can find your feline soul mate there?


2. Small Dogs


When it comes to dogs, size doesn’t define companionship. There are a number of small breeds that are the perfect size for apartment living, yet still have as much character as big dog breeds. Think of Pomeranians, Pugs, Schnauzers, and Chihuahuas. You can research dog breeds at the American Kennel Club to find out which is a good match for your lifestyle, but bear in mind that mutts are just as much fun and can have fewer health problems than purebred dogs. Again, it’s worth making a trip to your local animal shelter to find your new best friend.

3. Chinchillas


Is it a rabbit? A mouse? A squirrel? None: it’s a chinchilla! These cute, strange looking animals make for cuddly, low maintenance pets that often become quite attached to their owners. And best of all, so long as you keep their living environment clean, they don’t emit any body odor! That’s a real bonus if you live in a small apartment!

4. Guinea Pigs


Guinea pigs aren’t actually pigs, but a species of rodent. Don’t let that fact put you off: they’re smart, active, and quite timid. these adorable little creatures can be trained to play and even snuggle with you! Another low maintenance pet, the guinea pig may be a perfect choice if you’re a busy person with limited space.

5. Fish


Did you know that watching fish swim for 15-20 minutes can reduce stress? Though you can’t cuddle with them or take them for walks, fish can be great companions. From goldfish to guppies and from tetras to white clouds, fish come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Besides cleaning the fish tank and keeping up with feeding, these silent pets require relatively little maintenance.

6. Geckos


Are you a night owl? Then why not get a pet that enjoys the wee hours as much as you do? Geckos are funny little reptiles that don’t require much space or exercise, just a little heated terrarium to live in. And when you want to sleep in, you can be sure your gecko won’t be the one to wake you up!

Remember: before you bring a pet into your home, find out what your landlord’s rules are about animals. And after carefully evaluating what you want and what you can offer a pet, you may increase your odds of finding the right animal friend for you!

Original article by Brendan O’Neill. Learn more at

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